Download the FREE eBook:
30 Days of Daily Presence Practice
Start your daily journey toward greater presence and mindfulness—even in stressful situations.
Get your FREE Presence Practice Workbook Today:
This eBook is designed to help you develop your ability to stay in the present moment, reduce stress, improve creativity, heighten concentration, and deepen your connection with others.
What You’ll Learn:
Harness the power of breath for presence. Discover how different breath patterns can shape your mindset, boost focus, and open you up to new experiences—or, conversely, shut you off from the present. By recognizing your habitual breath patterns and exploring new techniques, you can shift how you experience the world.
Reflect, test, and assess your presence. This eBook provides the tools and guidance you need to strengthen your ability to stay present and fully engage with the here and now.
Build lasting skills for mindfulness. The ultimate goal of this book is to help you deepen your connection to the present moment and develop practical skills you can use whenever you need to refocus and be present.
What's Inside:
✔ Checklists
✔ Guide Tools + Short exercises
✔ Journal prompts
✔ Physical tools to help you stay grounded
✔ Strategies to express yourself clearly under pressure
Explore tools to express yourself with clarity in stressful situations.
Experience a daily practice to stay present in our fast-paced world.
Strengthen your mindfulness and self-awareness skills.
If you’re looking to enhance your teaching, speaking, or professional presence, the mVm Miller Voice Method® offers science-backed training to help you embody presence, breath, curiosity, and connection, involved and in flow, building authenticity and charisma.
👉 Learn more about mVm training programs: