Having spent forty years as a coach, trainer and teacher, Scott blends a lifetime of exceptional experience into his work with others. His diverse life paths include two sports at the professional level, a law degree from George Washington University, clerking at DC’s Public Defender Service, time as a producer, actor, director, a trainer of lead teachers, husband, father of three and training in counseling and holistic practices. He has been, for the last fifteen years, a Professor at NYU, Tisch’s Graduate Acting Program, considered one of the elite training programs in the world. These differing experiences and the approaches they provide have tempered a professional approach that is both accessible and specific.
Scott is the founder of the mVm Miller Voice Method® and through decades of field and scientific research has developed a transformational and repeatable way to embody presence and empathy for peak performances that sustain both the audience’s and speaker’s attention.
Scott has trained a wide range of professionals from Boardroom Executives and Managers at Fortune 500 companies to Oscar/Tony/Emmy Award winners/nominees to Olympic athletes to news anchors to the unheralded individuals simply seeking improvement and fulfillment. Scott has been received in corporations, theaters, law firms, sets, recording studios and workshops around the world training groups, teams and individuals from over fifty countries. His work is geared toward those who seek to discover, embody and/or sustain peak performance in their chosen lives.