Welcome Teachers!
We’re very excited to offer the Presence Training study aid program to teachers around the world.
It’s specifically designed for teachers whose students are preparing for professions that require them to speak clearly, calmly, and with a voice authentic to themselves.
How does it work?
To help understand how it works on a practical level, we put together a panel discussion with two professors who have used the Presence Training study aid in the past.
Below you’ll see clips from that discussion separated by questions that arose during the conversations.
Please, as always, reach out with any questions or thoughts.
Thank you. And enjoy!
Scott Miller, Founder & CEO of mVm
Using Presence Training in the University Classroom
Clips from a panel discussion with professors Becca McLarty (teaching BFA Acting students) & John Patrick (teaching BA Public Policy students).
Moderated by mVm’s General Manager Ali Evarts
Why use Presence Training in the University Classroom?
How do I use Presence Training as a classroom aid for communications, public policy, or other non-actor classes?
How do I use Presence Training with acting students?
What is a typical homework assignment?
How is the material formatted?
What successes have you experienced using this with an online class?
How do I manage the different voices & perspectives on this material?
What are some challenges we've faced while using this material?
How will I keep the students on track?
How can I get this approved by my administrator?